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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

some important questions in exams

اذهب الى الأسفل

some important questions in exams Empty some important questions in exams

مُساهمة من طرف القابض على سيفه 24/3/2008, 6:10 pm

afro afro afro

if u think u r a clever dentist answer these questions:
1- Early squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity usually presents as :
a- vesicle
b- sessile mass
c- a red plaque
d- an ulcer
e- a white cauliflower - like growth

2- diagnosis prior to RCT should always be based on :
a- good medical and dental history
b- proper clinical examintation
c- result of pulp vitality tests
d- periapical radiographic
e- all of the above

3- firm fixed neck nodes are most to be detected in associtation with :

a- ameloblastoma
b- basel cell carcinoma
c- odontogenic fibroma
d- squamous cell carcinoma

4- non resorbable silk :
a- chronic gut
b- plain gut
c- silk

5- central incisor yeloowish in color after truma :

a- pulp haemorrage
b- pulp necrosis
c- all of the above
d- none of the above

6- 10 years old child with multiple radiolucent areas bilateraly :
a- gaint cell granuloma
b_ cherubism
c- none of the above

7- Which bone presents in pairs :
a- lacrimal bone
b- sphenoid bone
c- ethmoid bone
d- all of the above

8- Which tooth make contact with it's neighbouring in the occlusal third:
a- lower incisors
b- lower 2nd premolars
c- upper canines
d- upper first premolars

9- Finishing burs used of composite consist of how many flutes:

a- 6
b- 8
c- 10
d- 12 fluted carbide bur

10- epoxy resin sealer why not used later:

11- A-H 26 sealer used for

12- type of cartilage of the skeletal bones and ribs :

13 - class v composite used retainer :

a- remove excess before then cure after retainer

b- cure then remove the excess

14- Silicate cement :
1- first tooth colored restoration
2-it can used as permenant filling
3- it contains 15% fluoride

a- 1,2,3
b- 1,2
d- 1 only
القابض على سيفه
القابض على سيفه
lev 4
lev 4

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 789
العمر : 41
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/03/2008

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